IT management solutions

Managed Wi-Fi

Managed Wi-Fi

What is managed WiFi

Managed WiFi is a network controlled by a third-party, accessible via multiple access points, and able to handle many devices at the same time. The third party is responsible for maintaining, optimizing, troubleshooting, and general upkeep of the WiFi service, taking that burden off the shoulders of the on-site IT team.

WiFi has become an essential part of the network, and is no longer a luxury.  Tech savvy users want to connect to the network in whatever way they want, be it by mobile phone, tablet or laptop.  They expect a stable, secure and fast WiFi solution to be in place.


What is unmanaged WiFi

Unmanaged WiFi, on the other hand, is like the WiFi connection you would use at home. Unmanaged WiFi requires on-site setup and management of the WiFi modem, and WiFi is accessed  via a single access point, like a modem or router. The bandwidth of an unmanaged WiFi connection is typically suitable for home usage with a handful of devices but is not strong enough to cope with dozens or hundreds of hotel guests or employees to use the internet at the same time.

Managed Wi-Fi

Advantages of managed WiFi

There are many advantages to outsourcing the management of your WiFi network to a 3rd party, some of which are;

  1. Less expensive to maintain
  2. Regular hardware upgrades
  3. A more robust and secure network
  4. Less Downtime
  5. Reduced risk

See HERE for more information about outsourcing your WiFi network to a 3rd party provider

How we manage your WiFi network

Here at IT Management Solutions, we specialize in designing and managing WiFi networks.  Some of the verticals we are involved in are: 

  1. The Hospitality industry
  2. Commercial Business

We provide a fully managed solution, from installing enterprise hardware to managing and monitoring it from our Network Control Center.